Australia and PNG share a special bond

Did you know Papua New Guinea (PNG) is Australia's closest neighbour?  There is only 3.75 kilometres separating Australia and Saibai Island.

Historically, we fought alongside each other in World War II with the friendly locals affectionately known as the "Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels" in appreciation for the kindness and care shown to wounded Australian soldiers.

Today, Australia and PNG are close trading partners and there is a significant population of Papua New Guineans living in Australia and vice versa, further strengthening the bond between our two countries.

Access to healthcare is not equal

Whilst Australians enjoy access to a world-class health system the situation couldn't be more different for Papua New Guineans, with a significant portion of the population living in poverty.

Low hospital availability

Access to hospitals is limited and difficult for many people living in PNG

Very limited specialised care

The number of trained staff is low, making complex surgery often impossible

Lack of medical supplies

In PNG there is a huge gap in essential medical supplies and equipment


Often patients cannot afford to pay, so they may not seek medical help

Our solution

Under the PNG Angels program:

  • We send highly qualified surgeons, anaesthetists and nurses to PNG
  • Life-saving surgeries are conducted by the PNG Angels team
  • Essential equipment and medical supplies are brought in for these very specific surgeries
  • High impact clinical training is provided to local medical teams